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Company Name / Firmenname:
HYPERICUM LifeScience GmbH

Business Purpose / Geschäftszweck:
Drug Development, Biotechnology, Lifescience Services

Commercial Register Number / Firmenbuchnummer:
FN 540169 t

Court of Jurisdiction / Firmengericht:
Commercial Court Vienna, Austria / Handlesgericht Wien

Registered Office / Firmensitz:

Hetmanekgasse 1b/2a, 1230 Vienna, Austria

Company Information

Phone / Tel. +43 1 8105366
Membership / Mitgliedschaft: WKÖ
Section / Fachgruppe: Chemical Section / Chemisches Gewerbe
Authority accord. ECG / Behörde gem. E-Commerce-Gesetz:
Magistratisches Bezirksamt des XII. Bez. Wien

Information according to §25 Media Law

Business Purpose / Geschäftszweck:
Drug Development, Biotechnology, Lifescience Services

Director / Geschäftsführer:
Dr. Andreas Kubin, Dr. Lionel Wightman

Copyright Information

The texts on this website as well as the overall design of the site are under copyright of Hypericum LifeScience GmbH.


Copyright of the logos of sponsors, partners and clients belongs to the respective companies or organisations.


All information which you find on this and the following pages is general information. No liability will be taken for the accuracy and completeness information, nor for content on sites connected via "hyperlinks".


Hypericum LifeScience GmbH will make effort to guarantee the protection of your private data and to respect your privacy.


All information which you provide is done so on a voluntary basis and will be treated strictly confidentially. Your data will only be accessed in order to provide you with services related to the sending of information regarding our services and special events. The information is stored by Hypericum LifeScience GmbH, and will be administered, processed and transmitted if necessary to the responsible areas within the company. Passing this information to third parties beyond Hypericum LifeScience GmbH will not be approved.

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